ATHENAPowerLink® is a business advisory program designed to increase the growth and profitability of women owned businesses. The program “links” participating businesses with a board of professional advisors for one year to achieve the goals the woman business owner has identified for her business.
In 2012-2013 Akron brought ATHENAPowerLink® to the area to provide support to women business owners. In 2016 two women owned businesses participated in the program.
ATHENAPowerLink® is a program of ATHENA Akron, an affiliate of ATHENA International. Akron is one of about 30 cities where this program is supporting women business owners throughout the world.
ATHENA International is a 501C-3 charitable organization, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois USA that is dedicated to achieving a balance of power worldwide. The organization is working to achieve its mission by honoring, supporting and developing women leaders. For more information, visit